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Put Your Imagination to Work

Add Nature elements into your home with Air Plants

Plants adds warmth and instill a sense of nature into the indoors but are you worried that horticulture maybe too much hassle for today’s busy lifestyle?

Air plant is an indoor plant suitable for the urban living, its fairly low maintenance and with no soil required.

Air plants earthy colors and unique shape makes it an attractive urban choice as home decors or for indoor planting.

They are available in different sizes and shapes therefore choices are abundant in adopting them for a nature inspired home, be it as a decorative or hobbyist planting.

Air plants has that suitable display of nature with combination on light wooden colored furniture, hanging glass and alongside other nature inspired decorative to bring out an earthy warmth feeling.

Tillandsias also commonly known as “Air Plants” make up to around 600 species, with their leaves being the plant sole reliance in water absorption since their roots has no water absorbing ability (Sengo 2014).

The root’s function is to hold the plant together and anchoring itself to other objects. It requires less light and water as compared to other plants however air plants still need these vital elements.

Different tillandsias will need different amount of light and water, while some can handle more direct sunlight and others require less of it.

Check out the Youtube video by HomeMadeModern, on creating a geometric planter for airplants:


Zenaida Sengo. 2014. Air Plants: The Curious World of Tillandsias. London: Timber Press.

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