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Put Your Imagination to Work

Creativity with Beads

Beads have been a popular material for showcasing ones creativity, adding in some patience, it can create some eye-catching handicrafts.

With beads being brightly coloured thus it exhibits some beautiful painting like objects. It certainly adds in a sense of fun and adds more personality into your home.

Beads are usually inexpensive and easily available with varieties of different colours at art & craft retail stores.

These days bead pegboards comes with different sizes with attractive pre-built shapes that one just need to glue the beads onto pegboards thereafter a beautiful blinking painting alike art work comes to life.

Beading can be time consuming and it could take up quite a fair bit of time and effort to complete the handy work but nothing beats self-made handicraft that is created personally by the home owner.

Check out the Youtube video by MadeByFate, on some beautiful DIY beads craft:

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